Artis Transition

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Artis Transition

I worked with people I don’t normally like. We all had different opinions and we didn’t always agree, but that’s good. If you’re with your friends, they just agree with anything, but this way you get to do things you wouldn’t normally do.

Glory, aged 11

For a child, a new school brings a different ethos, a different way of learning and different expectations. The transfer from primary to secondary will always have an immense impact on children and present significant challenges to staff.

Artis Transition supports each stage of the transition process, from preparatory work with primary classes, through to enrichment workshops to help settle and motivate new Year 7 children. This flexible and customised performing arts programme makes the transition into a new learning culture an enjoyable experience that motivates and inspires a new cohort.

Artis Transition Stages: a full description of the programme.

The induction day feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive. 100% of students enjoyed the day with Artis and 99% now feel really happy about coming to the academy in September. This is excellent feedback.

Olivia Douse, Head of Expressive Arts, St Mark’s Academy

Registered Charity Number 1174635
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