Whizz Bang: Creative Science for KS1 & KS2


Wonder and fascination with the surrounding world is as important in performing arts as it is in science, and the two disciplines have many points in common!

This workshop will help teachers explore science in a new way and bring fun, play and performance into the classroom, creating lessons that the children won’t forget. It will use themes from the KS1 and KS2 science curriculum to explore a number of performing arts activities that will bring scientific concepts to life for your children.

The session will help you engage your children’s imagination, creativity and physicality when learning about topics such as magnets, forces, space and chemical change.


  • To learn a variety of music, movement and drama activities to physically explore scientific concepts.
  • To use the performing arts to link science learning to other areas of the curriculum (ie. literacy).
  • To explore effective ways to differentiate and tailor lessons to your children’s learning styles.
  • To find ways to extend scientific learning outside of the classroom.

Suitable for KS1 & KS2 teachers

Available as twilight, half or full day

For more information, or to book, this CPD session please email us or call 0207 324 9880.

Registered Charity Number 1174635
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