Donate Now


Between 25 November – 5 December, your donation will be doubled through the Big Give Christmas Challenge. 

Make sure to donate via our campaign page to make twice the impact to children across the country.

Your donation can help in the following ways…

  • £1 a month will fund one child’s weekly Artis sessions for one term.
  • £3 a month will fund a child’s Artis sessions for an entire school year.
  • £9 a month provides weekly Artis sessions for three children for a whole school year.
  • £90 a month funds weekly Artis sessions for a whole class for a year.


  • A donation of £36 will give a child a year of Artis Learning at their school.
  • £100 will enable 5 teachers to take part in Artis CPD workshops for creativity in the curriculum.
  • £1,000 will support Artis Bounce, our wellbeing through the arts programme, in a school and will enable 60 children and 20 teachers to learn creative tools for exploring mental health and wellbeing
  • Become an Artis School Patron for £6,500 per annum and you will support an entire school for an academic year


Prefer to send a cheque?

If you would prefer to donate by cheque then please make this payable to Artis Foundation and send to:

Artis Foundation, 311 Union Wharf, 23 Wenlock Road, London N1 7ST

Please include your full name, postal address and email so we can thank you for your donation.

If you are a UK tax payer, please download our Gift Aid Donations Declaration Form form and send a completed copy with your cheque. Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows us to claim back 25p for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you.


Don’t forget to sign up for Gift Aid so that we can receive more from your kind donation. For every £1 you donate we can claim back 25p through Gift Aid at no extra cost to you. Simply tick the box when you donate today!


Thank you so much for sharing your resources, you are helping to inspire teachers and students all over the world!

  TESprimary, member of the TES Panel
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Registered Charity Number 1174635
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