Support us through match funding

Artis image
What is match funding?

Artis wants to ensure that every child reaps the benefits of a creative education at primary school. As school budgets have become increasingly difficult, we recognise the need to financially support great arts provision in schools.

We deliver the curriculum through the performing arts to tackle specific challenges facing a school – to boost literacy and numeracy skills or to support issues around mental health.

Artis combines music, movement and drama to create active learning experiences. We also build the skills and capacity of classroom teachers to embed creative learning within the culture of each school.

Funding structure

Each session is just £2 per child per week. £1 from the school and £1 of match funding to transform a life through the arts. Artis has a waiting list of primary schools ready to be match funded for £6,500 per year for 1-3 years, and support the arts education of 180 children each week at their school.

Delivery structure

Artis Specialists partner primary schools one day a week throughout the school year to deliver a creative programme that links to the curriculum.

  • Full academic year of creative provision linked to the curriculum
  • 33 days of performing arts delivery
  • 3 days of professional development and planning with class teachers
  • Twilight CPD workshops for all school staff.

We have seen a monumental difference in the pupils’ engagement & participation with Artis sessions that are not seen in the classroom.

Anthony Wilkinson, Parklands Primary School (Leeds)



Benefits of match fund donation

‘I am delighted to support Artis and the important, innovative work they do in primary schools.  I love the way the specialists combine music, movement, art and drama to make learning fun and make the curriculum come alive, inspiring for both the children and the teachers.  It helps the children to build confidence and articulate themselves and their ideas, to be more self-confident and, in short, to feel good about themselves and be able to contribute to society.’

Dasha Shenkman OBE, Artis Match Funder

  • Termly updates from your school and Artis Specialist
  • Opportunities to visit your school to see Artis’ work in action
  • Case studies that demonstrate the difference your support makes
  • A report at the end of the year sharing the impact of the work we do
  • Invitations to exclusive events with like-minded supporters.

How can I be a match funder?

To find out more about how you could become a match fund donor then please contact us on 0207 324 9880 or email Carys Owen (Cuckoo) Partnerships and Impact Manager.

The match funding was essential to us being able to work with Artis this year. Without the amazing contribution of our match fund donor we would not have been able to afford to restart the partnership with Artis that we had lost due to austerity. In a time of incredibly tight budgets it has meant so much to the children and staff to have Artis back in school. We are delighted that we will be able to keep the partnership going over the next couple of years.

Barry Read, Head Teacher, The RJ Mitchell Primary School (Essex)



Registered Charity Number 1174635
  • Living Wage Logo
  • Artsmark Logo
  • Fundraising Regulator Logo