Hop, Skip and a Jump: Playground Activities through the Arts


This workshop is designed to give TAs and Classroom Assistants some tools to use to bring creativity onto the playground. The session is practical, so that they can understand how the games and activities work before passing them on to the children they work with. Many of them can be adapted to suit various topics. There are also activity suggestions for using outdoor exploration and bringing it back into the classroom, linked to some topic examples.


  • To share a number of effective and engaging creative activities which can be done on the playground, or a small space and do not require much equipment.
  • To find new ways to use play to support classroom learning.
  • To encourage collaboration and team work, trust building, turn taking, positive interaction and fair play that is needed when devising creative work in class.

Suitable for KS1 & KS2 teachers

Available as twilight, half or full day

For more information, or to book, this CPD session please email us or call 0207 324 9880.

Registered Charity Number 1174635
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