Hip, Hip, Hooray: Building Resilience and Wellbeing


This workshop is designed to provide children with a safe space to explore their feelings and use the preforming arts to express themselves creatively. By supporting children in developing resilience and wellbeing from a young age, it is possible to teach them to cultivate positive and healthy coping strategies and to know where they can turn for help.


  • To look at several stories that can be used as a basis for exploring feelings with children by asking them to firstly relate to the feeling and experiences of the characters.
  • To provide children with activities in music, movement and drama that will allow and teach them to express themselves and identify their feelings (including feelings in the body), and how to share their feelings with others and ask for help.

Suitable for KS1 & KS2 teachers

Available as twilight, half or full day

For more information, or to book, this CPD session please email us or call 0207 324 9880.

Registered Charity Number 1174635
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