RESOURCE DOWNLOAD Supporting SEND through creativity In this resource, we’re sharing top tips for teachers to support SEND children creativity with some ideas for activities to try in your schools. Click here to register and download this resource First Name*Surname*Email* Newsletter I would like to receive the Artis newsletter.We will never share your data and you can unsubscribe at any time. By leaving the box unticked you won’t receive any further communications from Artis.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Key stage KS1, KS2 Topic Communication, Confidence, Teamwork, Performing Arts, Music, Various Related resources Making performance with SEN learners A brilliant resource aimed at introducing some inclusive activities for SEN settings, and everyone, to try with their children. Featuring activity ideas for A Midsummer Nights Dream and A Christmas Carol, plus many more activities and warm-ups. Key stage KS1, KS2 Topic Drama, Literature, Warm up, Concentration, Confidence, Performing Arts Supporting mental health and strong relationships through creativity While the children in our care may not outwardly present signs of stress or trauma, chances are, their mental health could use some bolstering. This is where we (I mean you!) come in! We are in an amazing position to fortify resilience in the children we work with and ensure that they have a space to feel nurtured, heard and valued. Key stage KS1 Topic Wellbeing