Change your Glasses: Global Learning through the Arts


This workshop will lead teachers through a number of activities and approaches in the performing arts that ask children to notice and imagine the inequalities in their own community.

It will explore the meaning of community and the people and roles that comprise it, while looking at ways in which children can affect change in their communities so that all children have the right to food, clothing, a safe place to live, healthcare, education and to practice their own culture, language and religion.

This session will equip teachers to develop each child’s ability to express their thoughts and opinions and work together to create an action plan on how make positive changes that support social justice and children’s rights both locally and globally.


  • To use performing arts activities to explore the idea of community: what does a community need? Who is part of our community? How are we part of a global community? What are we responsible for in a community?
  • To teach children about the Rights of the Child and how these should be upheld by the community.
  • To adapt drama, movement and music activities to other topics work that supports global learning and knowledge.
  • To stimulate and encourage critical thinking and action planning.
  • To challenge children’s perspectives and develop their voice.

Suitable for KS1 & KS2 teachers

Available as twilight, half or full day

For more information, or to book, this CPD session please email us or call 0207 324 9880.

Registered Charity Number 1174635
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