

The Artis team, as well as a host of guest writers from across the industry discuss creativity, learning and wellbeing, and advise readers on how they can use music, drama and movement to explore the core curriculum in schools.

Be Maths SmART!

The first sentence of the UK’s maths curriculum introduces an exciting, dynamic subject – ‘Mathematics is a creative and highly interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems’ – yet this inventive subject is largely taught in the classroom with pencil and paper. Artis strongly champions maths being brought to life in a fun and stimulating way through dance, drama and music and shares some inspiration and ideas.

26 Apr 2020
Diving into Discover Wellbeing

Working alongside more than 120 school children as they dived into the Discover Wellbeing project was a real honour. The project aimed to explore the topic of their mental health and focused upon how this could be further understood through the performing arts. This journey encouraged the children to not only delve deeper into what makes them ‘them’ but also to take pride in the discoveries made.

20 Apr 2020 Discover Wellbeing
Artis | What a year it has been!

At Artis we have been pausing for thought and reflecting on the year gone by and all the fantastic achievements we have made as an organisation. This academic year has been another transformational year with incredible stories of children whose communication, confidence and participation has dramatically developed through the ongoing […]

13 Apr 2020 Artis in a session in a classroom
Reflections on Discover Wellbeing

Any new school that I, as an Artis Specialist, work in is a privileged, humbling experience.  Delivering the five week Discover Wellbeing mental wellbeing project was no different, in many ways it was an honour. I delivered the project concurrently in two schools in the West Midlands through drama, music and movement.

07 Apr 2020 Discover Wellbeing
A View from Home

The word home does not have to refer to an actual place, the house or flat that you live in. We can use the word home to mean where we feel most happy, most comfortable, most like ourselves.

03 Apr 2020 Watercolour Fox
Creative Learning Resources during school closures

We’ve collated some general resources which we hope will ensure creativity remains central to children’s learning at home or at school. We will continue to update this page with creative learning resources over the coming weeks.

20 Mar 2020
Top Tips for bringing “Off the Canvas” back to school

The Off The Canvas project brings James Webb’s Victorian-era painting of Mont St Michel (c.1868) to life in the Guildhall Art Gallery, but there’s no reason for the explorations to end there!

14 Jan 2020 Mont St Michel Painting
Bringing Art to Life through Movement & Dance: Dancing Brushstrokes

An artist uses a range of different brushstrokes – sometimes dark, strong, heavy lines or perhaps light, free and indirect curves. All of these qualities can be transferred to movement.

10 Dec 2019 Paint brush image
A Broad and Balanced Curriculum: Creativity in the New Ofsted Framework

In this blog we have gone through the new Ofsted Framework and highlighted some of the key changes and what these changes could mean for creativity in schools

02 May 2019
Artis wins an award!

Artis Foundation won the Performing Arts & Music category at the beginning of March for their You, Me, Together mental health and well being project.

27 Mar 2019

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