

The Artis team, as well as a host of guest writers from across the industry discuss creativity, learning and wellbeing, and advise readers on how they can use music, drama and movement to explore the core curriculum in schools.

Sir Ken Robinson

This weekend we learnt of the sad passing of the hugely influential educator and author, Sir Ken Robinson. Artis Foundation would like to send our deepest sympathies to Sir Ken Robinson’s family and friends, and offer our immense gratitude for all he did for creativity in education.

Sir Ken spoke widely and passionately about the value of the arts within schools. His 2006 TED Talk ‘Do Schools Kill Creativity?’ has now gained over 65 million views and has inspired so many artists and educators in their careers to push for the arts in schools to support all aspects of a child’s learning.

25 Aug 2020
Artis | School guidelines for September 2020

Updated 11 November 2020 Click here to download a copy of Artis School Guidelines Covid-19 – Nov 2020   Artis Foundation will be operating according to government guidance to deliver creative provision to schools from September 2020 and operate within schools’ protective measures. Alongside the School Government guidelines, Artis Foundation are […]

15 Jul 2020
How play can boost academic outcomes

For children, play time and the arts are easy companions. After all, their time spent in creative play naturally evokes the competencies of the dramatic arts; the dramatic arts are themselves, in turn, quite playful and spirited, creating an apt fit with the enthusiasm and curiosity of childhood.

13 Jul 2020 Child playing in leaves
Once Upon ATOM

This blog aims to show how storytelling and science can go hand in hand, be that in the classroom or at home, and that creativity is the catalyst not just for Shakespearians – but for scientists too.

01 Jul 2020 Storybook
I’m not a hashtag

We’ve had a fantastic response to our Black Lives Matter call out from the Artis Foundation community and are delighted to hear from so many people about our pledges for the future.

22 Jun 2020
Creativity is Essential to a Recovery Curriculum

Now, as teachers prepare for the wider reopening of schools, we believe that the arts is essential as we come back together, to underpin a recovery curriculum and support children’s wellbeing and reintegration into school.

22 Jun 2020
Artis | Black Lives Matter

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been taking the time to listen and think about our part to play in this movement as an organisation.

16 Jun 2020
Making up stories

I love stories. It’s fantastic to read them and to listen to them being told by others too. There are loads of great stories out there but I wonder, have you ever thought of being someone who makes your own stories?

17 May 2020 Typewriter
50 Days of Lockdown

Today marks fifty days of lockdown in the UK or seven weeks of school closures, a week longer than the usual school summer holidays. In that time, as a creative learning charity, we’ve had to change our modus operandi quite drastically.

12 May 2020
A Poetic Re-visioning of the World

The current crisis is taking its toll on everyone. We are all having to learn new ways of coping with the ongoing uncertainty. There are some rules in place but most of us are discovering for ourselves how best to stay safe, cope with isolation, and lay plans for the kind of future we might want when this is all over.

I’ve been talking to children in my local community (at a distance of course!) and using their responses to the question posed in the poem above to write new poems – poems that I hope can open up the possibility for continued conversation even after the current crisis is over. If you are a parent at home or a teacher at school with children right now, why not have a similar conversation with them and see what poetry might come of it?

28 Apr 2020 A Poetic Re-visioning of the World Part 2

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