

The Artis team, as well as a host of guest writers from across the industry discuss creativity, learning and wellbeing, and advise readers on how they can use music, drama and movement to explore the core curriculum in schools.

Acting out emotions at Artis training

Planning a drama session for a group of incredibly talented performing artists for training was both exciting and daunting.  It was fantastic to watch Artis Specialists throw themselves into my exercises. Three activities really stood out:   We told an ‘Emotion Story’ of an Artis training day. Pausing at each emotion […]

14 Mar 2013
Education in the Republic of Korea and the UK: National Treasures or National Headaches?

The recent invitation to Artis from the South Korean Government to support creative education in their schools felt somewhat ironic. Whilst the UK Government is looking to Korea for how to excel in le ague tables, Korea is recognising that their top ranking status comes with challenges. Their focus is beginning to […]

06 Mar 2013
From breakdancing masterclasses to lights… camera… action!

It’s always such a pleasure to welcome our wonderful Artis Specialists to training, seeing the familiar faces and getting to know our new Specialists who have recently joined the panel.   As with all our training days, it was a time for reflection, evaluation and development. Last weekend first year […]

26 Feb 2013
Switch game: concentration and coordination

In this activity children copy the teacher’s sequence of four actions tapping different parts of the body and keeping a steady rhythm. To make the activity more challenging the teacher says “switch”, so that children drop out and join back in but one step behind. They will have to use […]

19 Feb 2013
Developing teamwork skills, confidence and visual literacy through Artis Film

From developing story lines to composing the soundtrack, children produce their own film during weekly sessions and gain knowledge of the film industry. Teamwork is essential; through taking it in turns to be director, camera person, actor, or sound technician, children express their ideas, listen to each other’s opinions, and […]

14 Feb 2013
5 activities for Early Years

Guest blogpost by Artis Specialist and Mentor Caroline Hotchkiss (Toot)   At Artis training last term, Louise Klarnett delivered a brilliant workshop on dance and the Early Years. These are the 5 activities I most enjoyed:   Feathers 1. Create a line with masking tape on the floor; in partners the children […]

30 Jan 2013
The impact of the arts on interdisciplinary learning

Interdisciplinary learning is not a new concept, but is now needed in education more than ever as our economic, social, and cultural environments develop at accelerating speed. Interdisciplinary thinkers such as Albert Einstein and Leonardo Da Vinci saw no boundaries between subjects. Without the restrictions of subject boundaries, they found […]

22 Jan 2013
Reframing Education: The “App” Generation

Howard Gardner is a leading thinker about education and human development and has studied and written extensively about intelligence, creativity, leadership, and professional ethics. In his talk at Nesta last month he looked at how young people today differ from those of earlier decades with particular attention to the effect […]

16 Jan 2013
Artis Impact is launched today: a new professional development programme proven to raise standards through the arts

As the debate over the future of arts subjects within the EBacc continues, Artis and the Prince’s Foundation for Children & the Arts demonstrate the value of integrating arts within core teaching in the UK.   The partners launch Artis Impact, an extensive professional development programme that matches Artis Impact Mentors […]

08 Jan 2013
Announcing a new partnership with Sing Up

Artis is delighted to announce a new partnership with Sing Up, the singing in-school specialists who help schools put singing at the heart of the school day.   Sing Up CEO, Michelle James says: “Sing Up and ARTIS share many of the same beliefs and approaches to working with schools. Both […]

21 Dec 2012

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