Artis | Black Lives Matter


Dear Artis Community

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been taking the time to listen and think about our part to play in this movement as an organisation.

We stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and condemn the brutal murder of George Floyd and so many others. At Artis our vision is for a world enriched through the arts – a world that also promotes diversity, inclusion and equality. We support our black arts educators, school communities and friends. We also recognise that it is all of our responsibility to educate ourselves and as an organisation we have some work to do.

Areas we are committed to addressing in order to became a more diverse and educated organisation include:

  • training to recognise unconscious bias
  • how to further diversify the team at all levels
  • how best to support and train our arts educators to deal effectively and confidently with issues of race and racism in schools.


We are keen to act, but also want to listen. We want to know how you feel and what you think, and to work together to improve our organisation, training and programming. Please do send us your thoughts and suggestions and we will review each and every e-mail.

Rebecca Boyle Suh (Buzz)

Artis Foundation | Co-Founder & Executive Chair


16 Jun 2020

Registered Charity Number 1174635
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