Artis Bounce

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Mental health and wellbeing through the arts

Artis Bounce helps children and young people explore, understand and express their feelings and emotions through music, drama and dance.  By integrating the performing arts into the curriculum with a focus on wellbeing and resilience, the programme:

  • improves wellbeing and emotional health of children
  • stimulates creative thinking and boost confidence and teamwork
  • builds awareness of issues around mental health and wellbeing
  • develops performing arts skills and creativity.

With the rise in mental health problems in school-age children, a recent study found that 82% of people who engage in participatory arts activities are more likely to report greater wellbeing. You can read our blog on more research findings about how the arts can support mental health and wellbeing and how Artis can support wellbeing in schools.

To find out more contact Artis via email  or call us on 0207 324 9880.

Resilience is described as the capacity to ‘bounce back’ from adverse experiences, and succeed despite adversity.

Building children and young people’s resilience in schools, Public Health England (2014)

On the whole, my class are quiet and reluctant to be animated. During this [project], I have seen the children ‘come to life’. They have been fully engaged and inspired to be confident in themselves.

Year 4 Teacher, Caroline Haslett Primary School


The You, Me, Together project, commissioned by Milton Keynes Cultural Education Partnership, Artswork and the Milton Keynes CCG, took place in early 2018 and engaged four schools over five weeks in arts activities that explored the language children use to express their feelings and their understanding of mental health. Artis designed and delivered the project to 150 children across Milton Keynes, with all children receiving their Discover Arts Award at the end of the six-week project. The project won a National Creative Learning Award for Performing Arts and Music. You can read more about the project here.

Click here to read and download our 10 Top Tips for teaching Mental Health and Wellbeing through the arts in schools.

Registered Charity Number 1174635
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