Samba-ing into year 7: The DfE funds Transition Summer Schools


In recognition of the importance of dedicated Transition programmes, the Department for Education is funding Summer Schools for the second year in a row, dedicating £50 million to providing Transition Summer School opportunities for disadvantaged pupils starting in year 7 this September. For successful transition core skills such as communication, confidence, and teamwork are essential.The performing arts provide a wonderful platform for building these skills in ways that are inclusive, challenging, engaging, and fun.


Of course, each school approaches transition in a different way. Last year we worked with Sudbury Upper School and Arts College over 5 days with year 7, 8, and 9 students to build self-esteem, cooperation and value for others across the year groups, as well as to develop older student’s leadership skills through a range of workshops including capoeira, stage combat, rock choir, and physical theatre. The students worked as a team to create a performance sharing at the end of the week.


Not only can the performing arts build core skills, they also offer avenues for exploring curriculum priorities. The Nottingham Emmanuel School engaged Artis to deliver a 3 day Summer School to help promote literacy and language skills for their incoming year 7s. Using drama and role play, the pupils explored fairytales and silent movies to create their own scenes and characters, and also learnt basic circus skills to help develop teamwork and communication. Staff commented on how inspired the students had been by the workshops and could really see the students interacting well with each other and forming friendships.


Transition Summer Schools should make the movement to a new learning environment an inspiring and enjoyable experience. Harper Green School & Arts College said of the Transition day we delivered at their school that “the parents said their children had come home happy and excited about starting at Harper Green – exactly what we wanted!”


Artis work with schools to support transition through workshops as diverse as street dance, mask work, musical theatre, pop music, and samba. To find out more contact on 0207 324 9880.


17 May 2013

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