Match funding : Academic Year 2024/25

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What is match funding?

Artis wants to ensure that every child reaps the benefits of a creative education at primary school. As school budgets have become increasingly difficult, we recognise the need to financially support great arts provision in schools. Artis’ Match Fund programme therefore provides schools with high pupil premium numbers, or other indicators of disadvantage, the opportunity to work with Artis at a greatly reduced cost.

We deliver the curriculum through the performing arts to tackle specific challenges facing a school – to boost literacy and numeracy skills or to support issues around mental health.

Artis combines music, movement and drama to create active learning experiences. We also build the skills and capacity of classroom teachers to embed creative learning within the culture of each school.

Delivery structure

Artis Specialists partner primary schools one day a week throughout the school year to deliver a creative programme that links to the curriculum.

  • Full academic year of creative provision linked to the curriculum
  • 36 days of performing arts delivery
  • 3 online Twilight CPD workshop for all staff with Artis partner schools (Autumn and Spring terms)

Funding structure

The cost of the programme is £15,000 per year (minimum 1 year – maximum 3 years). Thanks to generous financial support from trusts, foundations and philanthropists, Artis Learning is able to be match-funded enabling schools to apply for the programme at 50% cost. The funding is structured as follows:

Funding Cost to school
Year 1: 2024/25 £7,500 (50%) £7,500 (50%)
Year 2: 2025/26 £7,500 (50%) £7,500 (50%)
Year 3: 2026/27 £7,500 (50%) £7,500 (50%)


How do I apply?

We are currently accepting applications for Academic Year 2024/25.

Deadline : Friday 22nd May 2024

If you are interested in working with Artis in Academic Year 2023/24, please contact Carys (Cuckoo), Partnerships Manager for more information.

Application Process

Applications for match funding are on a rolling basis throughout the year. Please feel free to complete the short application form. Click here to complete the match funding application online.

If you have any questions about our match funding scheme, please do contact us.

We have seen a monumental difference in the pupils’ engagement and participation with Artis sessions that are not seen in the classroom.

Anthony Wilkinson, Parklands Primary School

It has been so rewarding for our children to work with Artis. If you are reading this wondering whether you should make the decision to bring them into your school, do it. Our children love working with Beebop, it is great for their mental wellbeing and enriches our curriculum. Our staff love it too!

Darren Rubin, Head Teacher , St John’s C of E Primary School (Tower Hamlets)

Registered Charity Number 1174635
  • Living Wage Logo
  • Artsmark Logo
  • Fundraising Regulator Logo