Creative Learning Resources during school closures


Updated Friday 1st May 2020 – 10:30 GMT

In these unprecedented times, we want to do our best to share lots of creative resources and activities to support schools, teachers, parents and children.

We’ve collated some general resources which we hope will ensure creativity remains central to children’s learning at home or at school. We will continue to update this page with creative learning resources over the coming weeks.

Artis Partner Schools will be receiving their bespoke remote creative sessions for each class group from their Artis Specialist, starting from the week commencing 20th April 2020 via the Artis Youtube Channel.

Artis Creative Bingo (click the link to download the PDF)

Artis Resources

Helpful Links

Performing and General Creative Arts





The Museum Of Untold Stories: moustail – Years 1 to 6

Gawain: greenbelt – Years 5 to 6

Granny’s Underground Garden: worzlum – Years 3 to 4

The Princess Who Couldn’t Play: Leonora – Years Reception, 1 and 2

A Genie Comes To School: opensesame – Years 1 to 2

Crowheart: briganti – Years 3 to 4

Visual Arts 

Other Resources

Also please keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook for more activities and creative ideas.

If you have further resource links or would like to get in touch, please contact Artis via .


20 Mar 2020

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