Pupil Premium and creative arts provision


Last week, Artis attended the Pupil Premium Westminster Insight Conference along with 150 delegates from schools and trusts across the country. It was a busy and informative event which explored the following areas:

  • What is Pupil Premium funding and what’s the best way to spend it for your school?
  • How do you measure the impact of pupil premium – what practices and models are there for measuring impact and measuring spend?
  • How do you engage the parents of pupil premium children and get more parents on board to work better together and improve the outcomes of disadvantaged children.
  • Case studies on raising the attainment for disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and closing the gaps between them and their peers.


The arts answer the Pupil Premium’s primary aim of removing barriers to learning, to ensure that all children have the support and access they deserve. Children from Disadvantaged Backgrounds are less likely to participate in class, feeling less able to express their own ideas, to work collaboratively and to share ideas with their classmates. The arts are inclusive and collaborative and provide powerful means for self-expression.

Using part of the Pupil Premium for targeted performing arts strategies not only bridge the attainment gap, but gives the best possible opportunities to all children.

For Pupil Premium spending to be the most effective, it should tick a number of boxes to show good value for money. At Artis, we support attainment and create inclusive environments for learning, whilst supporting confidence, resilience, active learning, creativity and performing arts skills such as speaking and listening.

In addition, Artis offers a tracker so that schools can easily monitor the progress of their PP children so that you can show the value for money in

To hear from a school who use Artis to support their Pupil Premium children, click here.


To find out how we can support your Pupil Premium goals through linking music, dance and drama to the curriculum contact us on 0207 324 9880 or email dingdong@oldsite.artisfoundation.org.uk to book a free demo session or a meeting with our Partnerships Manager.

28 Nov 2018

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