Artis Maths

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Artis Maths

Artis Maths enables children to explore mathematics through movement, dance, drama and music. The National Curriculum states that ‘mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline’ and that ‘teachers should develop pupils’ numeracy and mathematical reasoning in all subjects’. The performing arts are a perfect way to explore all areas of the maths curriculum – number, measurement, geometry and statistic.

Children can make acute or obtuse angles with their arms and legs, make whole body shapes ‘in symmetry’ with a partner, gallop round the perimeter of a human pentagon, spin ¼ of a turn clockwise or even dance through x and y co-ordinates on a giant grid on the floor.

Artis Maths supports the ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach. We have focused our programme on developing children’s confidence and proficiency in Number as a foundation for further mathematical inquiry including;

  • place value
  • addition and subtraction
  • multiplication and division
  • fractions.
Select a Programme

Artis Learning…for fully integrated creative curriculum enrichment

Artis Language…for communication skills and EAL

Artis Maths…for bringing maths to life through the arts

Artis Impact…for creative CPD, mentoring, and INSET workshops

Artis Transition …to mind the gap between primary and secondary

Artis Projects…for WOW project days, Arts Weeks, and film workshops

Artis Bounce…mental health and wellbeing workshops

Registered Charity Number 1174635
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