Scribble: Literacy through the Arts


This workshop is designed to explore an example story for upper KS1 – mid KS2 children (ages 6-9) using a variety of performing arts techniques. This can be used as a format to explore other stories in the curriculum since it uses a variety of techniques to explore the story.


  • To learn various starting points to exploring a story, such as image, small group and mime work, story circles, and using musical instruments and music to explore language and character.
  • To demonstrate the ways in which the performing arts can develop language and vocabulary for writing and improve children’s speaking and listening skills and reading comprehension.

Suitable for KS1 & KS2 teachers

Available as twilight, half or full day

For more information, or to book, this CPD session please email us or call 0207 324 9880.

Registered Charity Number 1174635
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